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Food Delivery Robots Are Now A Thing In Dubai

If you’ve been out and about in Dubai Silicon Oasis in the last few weeks you might have noticed some new additions to the streets there – robots.

Food delivery robots to be precise. 

Online food ordering company Talabat have teamed up with Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority and Dubai Integrated Economic Zones Authority to launch the robots, nicknamed ‘Talabots’, to deliver food and drinks to the residents of Cedre Villas in DSO.

Customers can order from Starbucks, Oregano, and Lebanese restaurant On the Wood and have their food delivered by the Talabots within 15 minutes.

Dubai: Robots will now deliver your food

Lucky residents of Cedre Villas can place their order online and track their delivery along the way. They’ll be alerted when the robot arrives and can then access their order by using a unique access code to open up the temperature-controlled unit.

The project is part of a 3-month pilot to see if it could be rolled out to larger areas. Maria Estevan from Talabat says, “we have had to start small as we can’t serve all the homes and restaurants, but this is the next text outside of Expo”.

If the pilot scheme goes well then the hope is for the service to keep growing and for it to contribute to Dubai’s plan for 1 in 4 of all road trips to be autonomous by 2030.

Looks like Dubai has more than just luxury gyms to boast of.

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