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How the Lumen Device Has Helped Me Track My Metabolism

If you’d told me a few months ago that I’d be using a tiny device to track my metabolism every day, I probably would have laughed. “Yeah, right,” I’d have said, “I don’t need some gadget to tell me how my body works.” But here I am, after weeks of using the Lumen device, and let me tell you, it’s been an absolute game-changer. Now, I’m hooked on the insights I get from it and how much better I understand my metabolism.

Why I Needed Help Tracking My Metabolism

I’ve always been pretty into fitness—running, lifting, yoga, you name it. But even with all that activity, there were days when I just felt off. You know that feeling when you’re sluggish, or no matter what you eat, your energy levels dip and crash? I thought I had a “slow metabolism” and would say things like, “I guess that’s just the way my body works.” I had no real idea what was happening internally, and I wanted answers.

So, when I came across the Lumen device, promising to help me track my metabolism, I thought, “Why not give it a shot?” I didn’t really expect much at first, but wow—what a difference it’s made!

Getting Started With Lumen

The first few days with Lumen were a bit of an experiment. If you’ve not seen one before, it’s a small, sleek device that measures the carbon dioxide levels in your breath to tell you whether you’re burning carbs or fats for energy. You take a deep breath, hold it, and exhale into the device.

After just a few breaths, Lumen started giving me real-time insights. I could see whether my body was in fat-burning or carb-burning mode, which was really interesting but I didn’t quite know what to do with the information. But as the days went on, I began to really track my metabolism and notice patterns. And that’s when the lightbulb moment hit.

Realizing How My Body Burns Fuel

One of the first things Lumen taught me is that my body’s fuel source (carbs or fats) changes throughout the day. I’d wake up in the morning burning fat, but after breakfast—especially if it was a carb-heavy meal—my body would switch to burning carbs. It was a bit like, “Ohhh, so that’s why I sometimes feel super sluggish after breakfast!”

I started tweaking my meals based on my Lumen readings. Instead of grabbing a carb-filled breakfast like toast or cereal, I began opting for eggs, avocado, or a protein shake. And guess what? My energy levels in the morning skyrocketed. Suddenly, I wasn’t crashing before lunch, and I was starting to feel way more in tune with my body.

Tracking My Workouts with Lumen

Lumen has also been a massive help with my workouts. I like to mix up my routine, with some days focusing on cardio and others on weightlifting. What I didn’t realize before using Lumen is that knowing what fuel my body is burning can help me make better workout choices. But now I can track my metabolism and use that information to pick the best workout to do that day.

For example, if I’m burning carbs, it’s a great day for high-intensity interval training (HIIT). On the other hand, if Lumen shows I’m burning fat, I might opt for steady-state cardio or a longer endurance run. It’s made me feel like I’m working with my body instead of against it. And the best part? I’ve seen better results in terms of strength and endurance.

There was this one morning when I checked Lumen, and it said I was in fat-burning mode after a night of fasting. So, I said to myself, “Alright, time to crush that steady-state cardio session!” It was a small change, but knowing exactly what my body needed made all the difference in how I felt during and after the workout.

Managing My Energy Levels

One of the most surprising things I’ve noticed while using Lumen is how it helps me track my metabolism to manage my energy levels. I used to rely on snacks to keep me going throughout the day, thinking I needed those carbs for energy. But Lumen showed me that my body was burning carbs way too often and not switching over to fats, which was making me feel tired faster.

I started paying more attention to when I was in fat-burning mode and adjusted my snacks accordingly. Instead of grabbing a sugary energy bar, I’d reach for something high in protein or healthy fats—like almonds or Greek yogurt. This small change helped me feel more balanced and energized throughout the day. No more mid-afternoon slumps for me!

Understanding My Metabolism in Real-Time

The real magic of using Lumen is being able to track my metabolism in real-time. It’s like having a little coach in my pocket, constantly giving me feedback on how my body is functioning. I used to make general assumptions about my metabolism—thinking it was slow or that I needed to cut carbs completely. Now, I know that it’s all about balance and timing.

One of the most satisfying moments was when I realized how much I’d learned about my healthy by being able to track my metabolism. I said to myself, “Okay, I actually get how my body works now!” That’s something I never would have understood without Lumen.

Why Lumen is a Game-Changer for Tracking Your Metabolism

Using Lumen has been an absolute revelation for me in understanding how my body works. It’s no longer a guessing game, and I’ve gone from being someone who thought I had a “slow metabolism” to someone who can track my metabolism with real data. Lumen has empowered me to make more informed decisions about my diet, workouts, and energy levels—and I’ve felt the difference in my day-to-day life.

If you’re serious about improving your metabolic health and want something to help you understand your body better, I highly recommend giving Lumen a shot. It’s like having a metabolic coach in your pocket, guiding you to better health every day! And with our Lumen discount code you can save 10% off your order. Just use the code GYMFLUENCER10 at the online checkout.

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